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5 . Speaking

Practice Interview Questions

1. What can you tell me about yourself?

2. Why do you want to work for this company?

3. Why have you chosen this field as your career?

4. Why did you leave your last job?

5. What salary do you expect?

6. What are your career objectives five years from now? Ten years from now?

7. What do you feel your strong points are? Your weak points?

8. Which courses did you enjoy most in school?

9. Have you had trouble with any courses in school? Why?

10. How would you describe yourself?

11. How has your education prepared you for this position?

12. How do you define success?

13. In what way do you think you can make a contribution to this company?

14. What type of relationship do you feel should exist between a supervisor and subordinates?

15. What was your most rewarding experience during school?

16. Do you have plans to continue your education?

17. What have you gained from your extracurricular activities?

18. Are you more comfortable working in a large group or with just a few people?

19. How do you think you work under pressure?

20. What do you know about this company/job?

21. What do you feel is the most important aspect of a job?

22. Are you willing to relocate? Travel? Work overtime?

23. How do you spend your spare time?

24. How well you get along with other people?

25. Why should I hire you?

6 . Interview rating sheet

Listed below are some qualities used to rate potential employees during an interview. After practicing an interview, how do you think you rate on these?

Using values given under each category, add the score for your answers and determine your rating on the following scale:

36-45 Ready for the interview

27-35 Might handle it; could use more practice

9-26 Definitely need more practice

7 . Most common reasons why people are not hired

Bad personal appearance

 Too aggressive

 Unable to express self clearly

 Poor Interest and enthusiasm

 No career planning, no goals

 Overly nervous, under confident

 Too much emphasis on money

 Not willing to start at the bottom

 Discourteous

 Immature

 Speaks ill of former employers

Cannot make eye contact with interviewer

 Messy application form

 Late arrival for interview

 Could not give direct answers when questioned

 Asked no question about the company

Social life of a man Lesson 58

  1. Reading

R ead the text given below. Choose the most suitable heading from the list (A-H) for each part (1-6) of it. There is on extra heading which you do not need to use.

Invent your way to riches

  1. ….

“All you have to do is make a better mousetrap and the world will come running to your door,” said the American writer, Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Sadly this isn’t true, as thousands of inventors in the United Kingdom find out every year. Making a financial success out of your initial ideas can be a complicated and time-consuming process. But for some, the rewards make the effort well worthwhile. Dr. Ruben Rausing, inventor of the modern cardboard drinks carton, made a fortune from his invention, and the creators of Trivial Pursuit also became multi-millionaires.


However, when it comes to inventing, a number of difficulties stand in the way. For example, obtaining a “patent” can be complicated – a company must be found to develop and market the product, and of course international sales must be considered as well. The first step, ideally, is to look for a gap in the commercial markets and then invent something to fill that gap.

(3) ……..

The company Inventorlink receives over a thousand ideas every year and helps about 300 inventors to take their ideas further. Their inventions range from small developments in everyday tools to a giant £300,000 oil separator for the use in the North Sea to clean water which has become mixed with oil.

(4) ………

According to Richard Payne, marketing manager of Inventorlink, inventors come in two different types. Half of them are experts who have seen a use for their product, the other half are talented amateurs who have just had an idea.


What are the characteristics of a successful invention? “It’s original and it’s wanted,” says Richard Payne firmly. “There are three things that inventors all too often overlook. Firstly, you have to sit down and ask yourself whether there’s a market for it. Secondly, can it be made economically? There has to be a really big profit margin to persuade a manager to take it up. And finally, if you really want to make money, is it a one-time product or can it be developed to keep sales going on for years?”

In reality the chances of coming up with a total success are very small. It’s very difficult for new ideas to be accepted. Yet still some ideas make it through all the barriers and end up making millions for their inventors.

  1. The wide range of successful inventions.

  2. The need for market, commercial and development research.

  3. Consultation is essential before patenting.

  4. The way to fame

  5. The complicated road to success.

  6. Producing a successful invention with ease.

  7. Professional inventors and amateur succeed.

  8. Commercial success is difficult but possible.